Five Fun Fat Tuesday Facts We Figure You've Never Heard Before

June 1 2017

Everybody knows what a boeuf gras is and what you have to do if you get the king cake baby. We thought we'd throw you a few doubloons of trivia you've probably never heard before. 


Did you know that New Orleanians use the souvenir cups the krewes throw as measuring cups year round? Some recipes call for “One Mardi Gras cup of milk.” No kidding!


Good Will doesn’t get as many “gently used shoes” during Carnival season. Members of the Muses krewe send out requests via Facebook to their friends starting in January, asking them to empty out their closets – it’s shoe decorating time!


Diets don’t start after New Year’s in New Orleans. They start after Mardi Gras. Weight Watcher enrollment doesn’t go up as much in January in New Orleans as it does in other places.


Obstetricians have been known to schedule C-sections around Mardi Gras. No pregnant couple wants to be stuck behind a float caravan on the I-10.


Showing your “you know whats” during Mardi Gras won’t garner you as many beads as holding up an adorably dressed baby, so if you’re thinking of leaving your kids home when you come, don’t! There’s a family side to Mardi Gras. Come discover it!

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